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Updated: Aug 17, 2020

Phillipians 4:7 (KJV) "And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus".

The peace of God is so often not cherished to many, not because they don't want or value it, but because most don't have the knowledge of what it is for us. Many view peace as a state of serenity. Well, that is true for the most part but the peace of God is much more in taste than in knowledge.

Here is why,

This won't be long but it will give you a taste of true peace.

I met a guy at a gym who observed something that in my world was just the way I was or so I thought to myself. He said; "Man you guy, you surprise me, you seem to do things slowly like you don't care yet you always come back with results," how do you do it?"

In amusement I also didn't know that I was like that to the outside eye. In my mind, I thought I was quite the opposite, you know, always up to something, endeavoring to become a better person and minister of God.

Then I realized that I was beginning to normalize peace in the spirit and make it work for me to get results while enjoying my life.

Anyway, the strange thing about this kind of peace is that it will do more than what power (dunamis) will do.

See Moses in (Exodus 33:1), God fulfills his word to the children of Israel to take them to the promised land, a land flowing with milk and honey but he says to Moses, I will not go with you, I am sending you with an angel who will fight for you and give you all the land I promised.

This is where 99% of Christians today would immediately stop praying and walk away rejoicing for God had answered their prayer and fulfilled his promises.

Not so with Moses. Moses refuses to go and tells God, thanks for your angel, but if you aren't going with us, we aren't going anywhere.(Exodus 33:15)

Moses had discovered the difference between going with power and going with his presence. He knew that the Lord's presence guarantees power but power doesn't guarantee presence. And indeed Moses prevailed against God and God was happy with him for his argument and said to him, now I will not only give you the promised land but I will give you peace on every side.

You see dear child of God the only evidence of the presence of God in your endeavors is the peace of God. Many Christians have acquired treasures in this world and have found out that they are still fighting to protect those treasures.

You see, the peace of God is tangible and keeps enlarging your tent even when seemingly you are unaware or just enjoying your promises in him.

I pray for you and your household that you may know his peace that passes all understanding.


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